It’s time to sharpen your swords as Season 4 Episode 7: Control is almost upon us. With Deathstroke joining the Suicide Squad as a new playable character, Offline mode functionality, a new Elseworld to explore, and plenty of gear to discover, let’s take a closer look at what Season 4 has to offer.
We’ve talked before about an Offline mode coming to the game, and we’re pleased to make this option available as part of the Season 4 Episode 7 release on December 10. Offline mode will allow you to experience content released for the game, including the main story campaign and all seasonal story mission content, without an internet connection. To access Offline mode, you can either create a new profile by starting from the beginning of the game or create a copy of your existing Online profile, allowing you to jump in with all of your progress. All earned and purchased cosmetics will also be available in Offline mode. For more details, check out our Offline mode FAQ.
Though few who meet him live to talk about it, you might recognize the newest playable character: Deathstroke, available December 10 when Season 4 Episode 7 releases. Also known as Slade Wilson, Deathstroke is a cold-blooded mercenary and one the world’s deadliest assassins. As a tactical genius armed with unparalleled swordsmanship, and a few extra toys thanks to a deal with A.R.G.U.S., Deathstroke is a one-man-army with a single objective: put an end to Brainiac’s invasion once and for all.
With Deathstroke joining the roster, the Suicide Squad’s crusade against Brainiac is drawing to an end. Season 4 will finish up with Episode 8, which is scheduled to release in January 2025, and that will serve as the last seasonal Episode for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. While Season 4 Episode 8 will mark the final battle against Brainiac, all online features will continue to be available, so you’ll still be able to enjoy co-op with friends, as well as all previous seasonal/episodic content. You’ll also have the option to play the game via the new Offline mode, which allows access to the main story campaign and all post-launch seasonal gameplay content without an internet connection. For more details, visit our Season 4 FAQ.

After his last showdown and defeat against Batman, Slade Wilson, the world’s greatest assassin, was lost. He was then stuck in Arkham Asylum surrounded by common criminals, with all the time in the world and nothing to do but confront his failure. Faced with a long list of demons to overcome, Wilson quietly disappeared to train and meditate. After months of work, Deathstroke realized he had nothing to prove – that is, until Brainiac invaded Earth. So, when Amanda Waller approached him with a blank check to cut the invasion off at its head, Deathstroke didn’t need to be asked twice.
To take down a target like Brainiac, Deathstroke is bringing some serious gear, starting with his trusty sword. With a host of talents that emphasize a close-range, melee focused style of play, Deathstroke is a close quarter menace capable of turning Coluans into little purple chunks in the blink of an eye. For combat against metahumans of this level, speed is essential, and his state-of-the art Ikon suit is just the tool for the job when combined with his Kunai Grapple. For his primary traversal ability, Deathstroke throws out his Kunai Grapple and pulls himself forward, able to build up tremendous speed and travel with pinpoint accuracy. His secondary traversal, Ikon Dash, allows for immediate bursts of speed. Using the gravity tech in his Ikon suit, Deathstroke is able to air dash a short distance in any direction. This combination of traversal abilities makes for a character who may not have the vertical capabilities of Deadshot or Lawless, but more than makes up for it with the kind of aerial speed and control that only comes from decades of training. Finally, his Traversal Attack: Kunai Burst unleashes a barrage of blades flying at any nearby enemies, leaving them wondering whether it is the result of advanced tech or super-human skill… right up until the moment that they become Deathstroke’s latest victims.
Being a master strategist, swordsman, and sharpshooter, Deathstroke can tackle an engagement in any number of ways, and this is reflected in the three playstyles of his Talents: Assassin, Mercenary and Strategist.
Assassin turns Deathstroke into the ultimate duelist, amping up the power of his Melee Strikes, Shield Harvesting, and Suicide Strikes. The Blood Splatter Talent causes Melee Kills to make all nearby enemies bleed, losing a percentage of their health over time, whilst Sowing Dissent gives all Melee Hits a 50% chance to craze enemies. Combo these with Deathstroke’s incredibly agile style of traversal and you can be dodging in and out of groups of enemies, leaving them isolated and confused before you move onto your next target.
Mercenary powers up Deathstroke’s Firearms, Grenades, and Traversal Attacks to the point where he could even give Deadshot a run for his money. Muscle Memory increases your Critical Hit damage by 50% and makes Critical Kills instantly reload your Firearm, so after a little synergizing with the rest of the loadout, once the bullets start coming, they won’t stop. Air Power causes Airborne Kills to generate 10% Traversal Attack Resource, so if you can manage to stay up in the sky, you’ll be sure to put your enemies in the dirt.
Strategist is about afflicting and weakening your enemies, softening them up before you go in for the kill. Bio-Warfare causes Critical Kills on Afflicted enemies to spread the Affliction to all nearby enemies, while Electro-Shot empowers your Shotguns with Electrifying shells after a Critical Reload. Strategist also improves your fluidity of combat, with Talents like the insanely fun One Smooth Motion that causes you to instantly reload when Ground Bouncing or Ground Sliding.
These playstyles, alongside his Firearms of choice in Assault Rifles, Shotguns, and Sniper Rifles, make Deathstroke a true one-man-army at close or long range. When Season 4 Episode 7 releases on December 10, you can play as Deathstroke after completing the Mayhem Mission at Episode Rank 30 and taking down Brainiac.
This Season, we’re putting the feud back in feudal as we take the fight to Brainiac in a medieval Elseworld, inspired by DC’s Dark Knights of Steel comic book series written by Tom Taylor with art by Yasmine Putri.

In every dimension that the Squad have chased Brainiac to so far, he has already taken control of the Elseworld and terraformed it into his twisted vision, but something is different this time. Task Force X are catching up to Brainiac’s interdimensional conquest, and it looks like he’s only just arrived at this new Elseworld.
This Elseworld completely reconceives Superman’s hometown of Smallville as a medieval village, completely stripped of the advanced technology that empowers the modern day Justice League. While fighting against Brainiac during Incursions, you’ll be able to see the remnants of the locals’ battle against Brainiac, windmills and homes from a complete medieval village, and even the Hall of Justice reimagined as a feudal castle.

While the rest of the Squad may not think much of this Elseworld, preferring Jetpacks and explosives to swords and lances, it seems like Deathstroke has been busy making a name for himself in this land of chivalry and swordsmanship.
Season 4 Episode 7 will feature the primal power of Gorilla Grodd’s Infamy Set. One of The Flash’s most dangerous villains, Gorilla Grodd is much more than meets the eye. With a genius-level intellect and the ability to channel his mental power into reading and controlling minds, he is just as threatening mentally as he is physically. The three Tiers make use of Gorilla Grodd’s overwhelming physical power and his technological superiority to control the battlefield… and to smash things.
Gorilla Grodd’s Tier 1 Infamy Set allows you to build up Still Force Master by overcharging your Shield. That’ll boost your damage by 2,000% and grant you Shields for each kill. But there’s a catch: you must stay perfectly still while using it to keep the bonus, however with some clever building you’ll be both an unstoppable force and an immovable object.
His Tier 3 Set is much more primal, focusing on Grodd’s rage to deal some serious Melee damage. By Shield Harvesting enemies you will be able to build up to Fists of Anger which boosts your Melee damage by 10,000% and has a chance to launch enemies away from you when hit.
Season 4 Episode 7 brings with it a host of new Notorious items, such as the powerful, if not a little disgusting, Brain’s Teaser. This weapon does extra damage to Afflicted enemies and, as an Alt-Fire, gains a powerful bonus effect depending on the Affliction of the enemy killed. Kill an Electrified enemy to get half your Suicide Strike resource back or kill a burning opponent to burn all other enemies nearby. These many possibilities are sure to get those synapses firing.
The Turtle’s Still Force Focus is the perfect accompaniment to Gorilla Grodd’s Tier 1 set, offering you bonus damage and damage reduction for each second you spend standing still. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to become a Gorilla-Turtle hybrid, this loadout is for you.
Talia Al Ghul’s Punisher is the perfect tool for those who prefer a balanced approach between long and close range. Each enemy hit by this Firearm gains a stack of Assassinate, which increases the damage they take on the next Melee hit by 100%. The ideal weapon for a Melee-focused Deathstroke build, perhaps.
Now let’s talk about new melee weapons. Whenever you hit an enemy with Orphan’s Heartseeker, you apply a mark to their heart, signalling that their end is near. Upon your next Suicide Strike, all nearby enemies will take a portion of the damage, and any marked enemies will become Electrified, no matter where they are. A more tactical approach to close range combat that allows you to mark a host of enemies, then execute with one final strike.
The Season 4 Battle Pass will be focused on the LexCorp family of Outfits. Deathstroke, Harley, Boomerang, and The Joker will have a set of high-tech Outfits that imagine how the Squad would look if kitted out by Lex Luthor instead of Amanda Waller. Lex sees himself as the “Da Vinci of our time” and is fascinated by history’s greatest minds. The LexCorp Outfits fuse elements from Lex’s favorite marble statues with state-of-the-art enhanced armor plating for a timeless look, whether you’re taking part in future warfare or colosseum combat. They’re mean, green, and ready to take out Brainiac, billionaire style.

Thank you all for being a part of Task Force X. We look forward to bringing the fight to Brainiac in Season 4!