- Battle Pass XP has been increased for most mission types as well as Cargonauts.
- Patrols, Strongholds, Incursions and Smash & Grab missions now reward 100 Battle Pass XP (Up from 50).
- Mayhem missions now reward 200 Battle Pass XP (Up From 100).
- Killing Time remains unchanged, as this is based on the Mastery Level you complete it at.
- Cargonauts now reward 100 Battle Pass XP (Up from 50).
- The drop rate of Master Notorious and Master Infamy gear has been increased.
- Damage reduction from Nightmare stacks gained from the Tier 3 Scarecrow Infamy Set bonus has been increased to 20% (Up from 10%)
- Burn and Poison have both had their damage over time increased at higher Mastery Levels.
- We’ve made some changes to Support Squad Branch Missions to make engaging with their respectful mechanics more impactful and to make them a little easier to complete.
- Toyman Missions – Critical hits now do 300% increased damage and enemy health regen has been reduced to 5% per non-critical hit.
- Penguin Missions – The Terminaut buff now grants 300% increased damage against all enemies.
- Ivy Missions – Players now deal 300% increased damage to Afflicted enemies.
- Rick Flag Missions – Players now deal 300% increased Grenade damage to all enemies.
- Lex Missions – Counters are now a 1-hit kill on Grunt enemies and deplete an entire health bar on Brute enemies.
- The ‘Pain Suppression’ Mutator has had its damage reduction reduced from 95% down to 50%.
- The ‘Craze Immunity’ Mutator has been toned down and renamed to ‘Craze Tolerance’. The following now applies for this Mutator:
- Enemies are no longer immune to Venom Frenzy
- Crazed enemies take 50% less damage
- The ‘All New Me’ Mutator no longer applies to vehicular enemies.
- Nth Metal rewards from Mastery Level Incursions have been capped at 400% (Mastery Level 70+)
- We’ve made changes to the Bug Outpost Stronghold that’s closest to the Hall of Justice in Episode 1 to make it a little more challenging. To do that, we’ve swapped out an Energy Crystal and Generator Crystal and replaced them with 2 Super Generator Crystals, so you’re going to want to consider the order in which you destroy the Crystals, and be quick about it.
- We have added options to more easily navigate Episode Rank Rewards while using a controller. You can now scroll by page, rather than only per item.
- Terminaut Bit requirements during the ‘High Roller’ and ‘Shooting Gallery’ Incursions have been reduced when playing in multiplayer, as we felt that these were slightly too high.
- Added “Joker” as a filter option in the Store.
- During Maintenance we implemented a temporary fix for users experiencing their Raising Hell progress being stuck at Tier 1. We will be releasing a more permanent fix for this at a later date.
- Made improvements to performance degradation that can occur in multiplayer sessions, resulting in gameplay oddities such as unresponsive enemies, rubber-banding, delayed actions and objectives not spawning.
- Fixed a performance issue in Killing Time that was sometimes resulting in odd behaviour such as enemies being unresponsive and delays in player actions.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause players to load into a black screen with audio when entering a session.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause characters to appear invisible. This could also lead to other issues such as loading into a Black Screen.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in an Easy Anti-Cheat Error when launching the game on Steam Deck, preventing players from accessing the game.
- Fixed a bug that causes The Joker’s ‘Fortissississmo’ Talent stack infinitely, resulting in massive grenade damage over huge distances. Sorry, only Waller is authorised to call in nukes.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the damage reduction from Nightmare stacks gained from the Tier 3 Scarecrow Infamy Set bonus to be reset after being downed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from Crafting The Joker’s Traversal Mods and Melee weapons after purchasing The Joker.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes result in the player getting stuck in the menu after choosing to travel to the Hall of Justice.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause players to get stuck in Killing Time (Hardcore) after leaving through the Exit Portal while in the process of escaping from Brainiac’s Hit Squad.
- Fixed a bug that caused Incursion Missions in Finite Crisis to not be visible for some players.
- Fixed a bug that was sometimes allowing non-friends to join sessions that were set to “Open to Friends”
- Fixed the displayed damage for Bleed ticks on the Player HUD from showing the incorrect values. This is a visual change only.
- Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing enemies in the ‘Acid Flower Power’ Incursion to spawn too far away from Ivy’s plants, yet still be counted as affecting the objective.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Dynamic Tutorials” toggle to be the opposite of what it should be. Off is now actually Off!
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving Episode 1 Rank progress and rewards if they were invited to an Episode 1 multiplayer session without having selected Episode 1 prior to receiving the invite.
- Fixed Leaderboards for Killing Time (Hardcore) not working correctly.
- Fixed the ‘All New Me’ Mutator being removed when an enemy becomes Shield Harvestable.
- Fixed the ‘Laugh Riot’ Incursion not counting towards Lex’s ‘Learning: Incursions’ Contract
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent players from performing any action after using Deadshot’s Suicide Strike.
- Additional fixes for Deluxe Edition content not being granted to players.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing loadouts from being saved for Squad members not in your current active Squad.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Loadouts to be erased if they were previously overwritten before restarting the game.
- Fixed the ‘Rock ‘n Roll’ Grenade incorrectly consuming 10x Combo multiple times when using the Bounce or Cluster variants.
- Fixed damage not being reduced by the Firearm Damage Protection Facility when hit by Tank mounted guns, Choppers and Green Lantern Infused Choppers.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented ‘The Venom Connection’ achievement from unlocking while in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the “All Sorts of Fun” achievement from unlocking while in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in players receiving the rewards from a failed Killing Time (Hardcore) mission if a player exits via the portal after mission failure.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Data Shards to be instantly deposited without being near the truck in some of Toyman’s End Game missions.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the reward information not appearing when viewing a mission on the Map if the player chose to enter Episode 1 but had not yet reached End Game.
- Fixed a bug in the ‘Resident Performers’ mission that caused Terminauts to not repopulate enemies around certain Power Crystals after they were destroyed.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause the camera to clip through terrain after completing the final Bug Outpost in the Episode 1 Mayhem mission.
- Fixed the missing description for the ‘Magic Number’ Legendary Crafting Recipe for Fear Rank 189.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players to receive a message that their inventory is full on the end of mission rewards screen, even when it isn’t.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused enemies to not spawn at Bug Outpost Strongholds after completing Killing Time.
- Fixed Clan Leaderboards showing Fear Ranks for all categories instead of Mastery Level.
- Fixed an incorrect description of Fear Rank that is shown when viewing the ‘Flying Solo’ Leaderboards
- Fixed a performance drop that occurred when using the ‘Polka-Dot Man’s Spotty Explosion’ grenade.
- Fixed the Augment that provides Shield on Melee hit not working on ‘The Rose’ Legendary Melee weapons.
- Fixed the description for the ‘Party Starter’ Traversal Mod incorrectly showing ‘0x Combo and higher’ instead of 20x
- Fixed the weak point on Choppers sometimes being invisible.
- Fixed a bug that was causing World Record notifications from showing incorrectly and too frequently.
- Fixed certain Emote animation oddities that could occur if you played an Emote while having your umbrella in your hand.
- Fixed Legendary ‘Epidemic’ and ‘Mission Critical’ weapons sometimes not having the correct skin.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Waller to remind players to complete Support Squad Branch Missions, even though they had been completed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the menu from being opened while in the ‘Sending a Signal’ Mission if a player was downed while the other players reached the Exit Portal.
- Fixed a bug in ‘Killing Time’ that sometimes caused Tanks to fall off the bridge.
- Fixed a bug that caused characters to visually have grenades equipped before unlocking them in the story.
- Fixed the warning icon displaying as a grey triangle while waiting for players at a mission gather area.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Hisako (one of Waller’s A.R.G.U.S. soldiers) to be standing amongst the Squad during the cinematic after recruiting Joker.
- PC – Fixed a bug that could occur in the ‘Don’t Blow It’ mission that would prevent the Squad Leader from interacting with the door when leaving the Stadium in a multiplayer session.
- Various crash fixes.
- Various performance improvements in certain missions.
- Various VFX fixes to minimise Photosensitive Epilepsy risks.
- Various localization fixes.
- Various UI fixes.